Marketing tips to boost coming holiday sales

The holiday sales are coming. Here are some tips to make it much better than last year.

The holiday sales are coming. Start planning now! We found out that many brands don’t start planning early enough. And that is a missed opportunity. Given how much revenue is at stake we advise you to start planning holiday email marketing activities at least 2 months before you start taking action. Prepare exact plan on how you plan to increase revenue. Decide how many email campaigns you will send and prepare content that will engage with recipients. Take into account that it is advised to increase email frequency by roughly 50% during November and December compared to non-holiday months. Now that is a lot of extra emails and all have to get designed and coded. So starting early can help reduce stress and avoid later rush.

And such as all emails have to have some purpose (to inform, to present, to teach, to upsell, etc.) they also have to have some landing page to where engaged customers will be lead. The purpose of landing page is to provide further “education” or explanation why your product is exactly what customer needs and to capture additional customer data that can later help you sell them later. So increased email frequency also mean that more landing pages need to be created. And that means additional design and programming work. So again, we advise to start plan and prepare for holiday rush early enough.

Yeah, we know, it’s a lot of work. That is why we designed SquizMAIL in such a way that can help you reduce time you need to do all that work. Email designer will help you prepare good looking emails much faster. Personalization feature will help you be more personal and address your recipients with name and surname. Unsubscribe feature will automatically opt-out all recipients that do not want to receive your emails anymore to save you time that can be used for much more productive work. Landing page generator will help you to create simple landing pages that are linked directly to your SquizMAIL account so that all additional data are stored for you and can be used in futures email campaigns. There is also a lot of other features. Create your account, it is completely free, and see for yourself.