Well planned Email marketing campaign certainly achieve great results

Well planned Email marketing campaign can certainly help you achieve great results

As we have already mentioned many times in our articles, in order to achieve great results you need to take into account many different factors and create meaningful content that attracts readers. To prove this really works, we’ll show you results of one of our previous very successful campaigns.

Email marketing campaign was prepared based on past results from previous campaigns. We analyzed results and created recipient list that contained only those contacts who in the past showed some interest in companys products or services. Email contained only relevant data and information in order to get readers attention. We invested a lot of time and effort to come up with great subject line. As mentioned many times – the difference between successful an unsuccessful campaign can really be just in a subject line. In our case, the response was more than great.

And what where the actual results? Email received about 9000 recipients. More than 4300 (47%) opened and read it. We also achieved a very high click rate (2.4%). More than 200 recipients clicked at least one link and have actually read the content we shared. We pointed out many times that you have to respect opt-out. In our case we had a bit less than 200 of them. System detected those who clicked unsubscribe link and automatically opt-out them.

We hope we showed you that you can achieve great results and build strong customer relationships if you prepare your campaign and plan it well.