11 Jun Features
Social media can be too personal for serious business use. Email on the other hand is much more professional channel. With right amount of knowledge it can be a tool for great business relations.But for one to be able to fully exploit all it’s knowledge, capable software is needed. And SquizMAIL is exactly that.
Do you lack the knowledge and experience with composing HTML messages? Nothing to worry about. Message builder enables you to compose HTML messages via WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, including similar tools and functions as any other text editor out there. Therefore composing professionaly looked emails is nothing complicated. All the coding is done in the backgroung so that you do not need to worry about it. Uploading images to the server and adding them to your emails is olso only a click away.

Personalized messages have greater effect than non-personalized, because recipient gets the impression the sender realy devoted some of his time to personaly compose the message for him. But when you are doing email marketing, you are addressing a number of contacts. And such approach is not practical. That is why SquizMAIL has a function that allow you to simply add a special field to the message – e.g. Dear {##Name##} {##Surname##}: Dear Mr. Jon Doe. Converting that field to real data is done by SquizMAIL before emails are send out.
Why waste time and/or money for composing messages from scratch. SquizMAIL already contains a large collection of free templates. You only need to replace generic data and the message is finished. Or create a brand new design in no time with build in editor and save it as template for later use. Working with templates has never been so easy before.

Do you know who reads your messages, which content or design is more interesting than other, or at what time in a day is best to sending email campaigns? Which link was clicked and by who? Can you access such data immediately? SquizMAIL gives you all that and much, much more. Explore it to belive it.
Create as many different contact lists as you like. Merge them or add customize fields according to your wishes. Choose between fast, intuitive and effective tools for searching, editing and data filtration. Create contact lists from generated contacts via landing pages. Contact list management options are endless.

Why waste valuable time by managing opt-out lists? Create a footer according to your own taste and add unsubscribe link in it. Recipient can therefore unsubscribe with one click. And you are spared to manage such events manualy. Just perfect.