Stronger Together

In these difficult times, when COVID-19 threatens to shut down the world, business is tough. Sales are dropping and so does revenue. That is why we at SquizMAIL what to help businesses around the globe to stay in touch with their customers on line. We are doing our best to make sure SquizMAIL stays functional even in these unique times for all our clients.

Yes, business is tough there days. But situations like this can be used to transform the way you do your business by incorporating new online tactics. Email can be one of the most important communication channels in the next few weeks. And email marketing can be used to transmit your messages to customers that cant visits you in person. It can be used to inform them about your new products or sales offers. Email can even be used as a direct sales channel.

So, if your business is affected by COVID-19 virus, and your sales are dropping, make sure you do your best to use all available online channels to bring that revenue back in. And email has a potential to do it in a big way.

We at SquizMAIL will support you all the way. We are stronger together.

Don’t know how to start or what to do? Visit our blog. There you will find a ton of useful information on how to use email to your advantage.

Stay healthy. Stay safe. And good luck.